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– further information below –

Nizayama Forest Art Museum, Nyuzen, Japan: CULTURE (lower level)
concept pdf Fr. / pdf Jap.
paper (local newspapers), wood, seedling trays, paint
(about) 340 cm w 1140 cm d 1520 cm

CULTUREx2 (lower level – upper level)
paper (local newspapers), wood, seedling trays, paint
h (about) 340 cm w 1140 cm d 1520 cm

CULTUREx2 (upper level)
paper (local newspapers), wood, seedling trays, paint
h (about) 340 cm w 1140 cm d 1520 cm

(left-center) IMMOLATION 1999-2010, (left-wall) OUVERTURE 2010, (middle-left)
IMMOLATION-detail, (middle-right) HUMAN 2009, (right) VOCEMx4 2010

paper (French, Czech, Japanese and mixed dictionaries), metal, wood, paint
h 94 cm w 94 cm d 94 cm

House of Art, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republica: SOLEA
concept pdf En.
nameplates (15834), French dictionary’s words printed on seals
h (about) 185 cm w 2423 cm d 0,3 cm

SOLEA nameplates (15834)
French dictionary’s words printed on seals
h (about) 185 cm w 2423 cm d 0,3 cm

wood, metal, paper (shredded French dictionary), pigment
h (each panel) 48 cm w 46 cm d 4,2 cm

wood, metal, paper (shredded various dictionaries), pigment
h (each panel) 48 cm w 46 cm d 4,2 cm

wood, metal, paper (shredded Czech dictionary), pigment
h (each panel) 48 cm w 46 cm d 4,2 cm

VOCEM-W.G.B details
wood, metal, paper (shredded dictionaries), pigment
h (each panel) 48 cm w 46 cm d 4,2 cm

CHORUS-B (26 pieces series)
wood, metal, paper (shredded French dictionary), pigment
h (each) 10 cm w 10 cm d 10cm

Galerie Faider, Brussels, Belgium: CHORUS-W (26 pieces series)
paper (dictionary), wood, metal, paint
h (each) 10 cm w 10 cm d 10 cm

paper (dictionary), wood, cloth
h 98 cm w 166 cm d 12 cm

OUVERTURE (26 pieces)
dictionary, wood, natural pigments
h (each) 23,8 cm w 10 cm d 13,8 cm

paper (dictionary), wood, ink
h 18 cm w 26 cm d 11 cm

MOT ETALON (34 pieces series)
wood, printed stick-on labels, paint
h 195 cm w 335 cm d 1,5 cm

vulcanized fiber labels, printed stick-on labels, nails
h about 179 cm w 119 cm d 1 cm

vulcanized fiber labels, printed stick-on labels, nails
h about 215 cm w 239 cm d 1 cm

vulcanized fiber labels, printed stick-on labels, nails
h (2 parts together – about) 143 cm w 118 cm d 1 cm

vulcanized fiber labels, printed stick-on labels, nails
h about 209 cm w 159 cm d 1 cm